Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A little bedroom makeover.

I recently gave my bedroom a mini makeover (or make-under, I suppose.) A few years ago I had painted all of the walls bright turquoise, which I totally loved at the time but after awhile all of the bold walls started to feel a bit overwhelming. (I should also mention that we don't have a particularly large bedroom... there is basically just enough room for our bed and one dresser, that's it.) So we decided to simplify and clean things up a bit with a fresh coat of warm white paint on all of the walls and seriously what a difference! It's like a breath of fresh air! The room is so much brighter and also seems a lot bigger, which is always a bonus! Now just because we opted for an absence of color, doesn't mean that the room is super monotone. We added tons of pretty color by making the bed with an assortment of retro floral pillowcases and pops of green were added throughout with cute potted plants. I also feel that the simplicity of the walls is better for showcasing my mid century lamps and fun kitschy art.

Overall, we are super pleased with our decision to streamline and simplify. The space seems a lot more inviting and it is so cozy in the soft evening light. Here are a few peeks at some details around our new and improved bedroom:
It's amazing what a difference a simple project like painting a few walls makes! Do you have any fun projects on the go right now?

XO, Stef

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