Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Meet our March sponsors!

We thought we would change it up this month and get our sponsors to pick their favorite item from their shop/blog to share with you guys. We have yet another wonderful bunch this month and think you'll love them too! Make sure you go and check out their shops/blogs!
Dalena Vintage is one of those shops that you can just get lost in. This dress is just the tip of the iceberg!
Go and mosey on over to Dalena Vintage right here:  

Is this not one of the most stunning dresses you've ever seen? 
Revolving Styles Vintage has lots more where that came from:

These shoes from Dear Lucy look absolutely perfect for Summer!
Go and check out Dear Lucy for other amazing styles here:
 -- SHOP --

Check out Bitchin Kitsch 'n' Kitchen here:

Aren't these pretty floral Termocrisa mugs? Allison of the blog Thrifted scored them one day thrifting! 
To follow along on her thrifting adventures, find her below:

Pretty in purple, this dress looks like a lot of fun!
To see more cute looks, go and check out Jessamity here:
This vintage dress from Waisted Vintage would make such a pretty wedding dress!
To check out more of Waisted Vintage's lovely looks, go here:

We are head over heels (pun intended!) with BAIT Footwear's new Spring line.
Go and see for yourself here:

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