Monday, March 25, 2013

A simple belt rack/accessory organizer DIY!

Today I have a super easy and really cheap DIY project to share with you guys! I'm most likely not the only girl out there with way too many accessories on her hands. My belts were in a jumbled up pile in a vintage suitcase, and my necklaces were tangled and there were head scarves everywhere! It was time for a change. Time to organize...something I am a pretty huge fan of to tell you the truth. So I looked around my home and tried to figure out how to hang everything nicely, and then I saw a piece of pegboard in one of my closets and thought it would be just perfect for the job. 

This is a really affordable project and it took almost no time at all! 
All you need is a piece of pegboard in the size of your choice. Most hardware stores will be able to cut them down to the size you need. Mine is 2 feet wide and 4 feet tall (I measured my longest belt and allowed for extra room at the bottom). Once you have your pegboard cut, simply go on over to the hardware section and look for nuts & bolts. I tested out a few until they fit perfectly in the pegboard holes. A little tip-wear a belt to the hardware store, or bring one with you so that you can make sure the bolt head is not too big to fit your belt over. Now count out however many belts/accessories you want to use and that number will be how many bolts you buy. Double that number of nuts and you are good to go! All you need now is paint, a paintbrush or sponge and the nail polish color of your choice.

Ok, first things first, paint the pegboard and give it two coats if it's not covering well.
While the paint is drying, screw the bolts onto the nuts as far as they can go. 

After the painted pegboard has dried,  stand it up and place the bolts where you want them to be to hold up your accessories. I played around with mine for awhile until it looked just the way I like it. Then I screwed the second nut onto the other side of the pegboard and onto each bolt securing them in place. All you do next is paint the heads of the bolts with nail polish  Normally I would spray paint them but I didn't have time so nail polish would have to do the trick, and it did! It worked just perfectly, and everybody has extra nail polish kicking around!

Once that dries, all you have to do is fill up your new accessory board! So simple right?

I hope you like this simple organization tip! Happy accessorizing!
Xo, Erin

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