Wednesday, April 3, 2013

...We're outta here!

As we speak, we are currently en route to beautiful Thailand!!! Gahhh I can still hardly even believe it!!! If you would have told me three years ago that a few years down the road I would get the privilege of being able to travel half way around the world with my best friend several times a year I would have thought you were crazy! We feel so blessed to have the opportunity to get to travel and see the world and it is definitely not something we take for granted. We absolutely love traveling (especially in Thailand!) and appreciate every single moment of our time away. There is so much to see and experience so we try to just sit back and soak in every precious second.

Now, just because we are leaving town for two weeks, that doesn't mean that this place will be a total ghost town! We have tons of exciting posts saved up for you guys including some fun playlists, interior inspiration, shopping tips, and some delicious Thai recipes so you too can have a little taste of Thailand! If you need to contact us for any reason please feel free to do so at, but we cannot guarantee that we will answer immediately because we might be too busy shopping! Hahaha okay okay, we won't rub it in anymore!

Hope you all have a fantastic couple of weeks and we will be sure to take lots of photos to share with you when we return! Talk soon lovelies!

XO, Stef & Erin

P.S. If you are curious to see little updates of our trip you can follow along with us on instagram!
Our usernames are ohsolovelystef and ohsolovelyerin.

(photo source)

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