Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Design idea: Retro wallpaper.

Since we moved, I thought it would be fun to try out some new decorating ideas in our new house. I recently posted the above photo of some 1960's wallpaper I had put up on one wall in my bedroom and many of you inquired about where I found wallpaper that was in such good condition, so I thought I would share a few options with you today. Unfortunately, the wallpaper I purchased from this Etsy shop has since sold out (sorry guys!) but not to worry because there are still many cute retro wallpapers available on Etsy.

It is also important to remember that when working with wallpapers that are 40-50 years old that their adhesive is probably a little bit worse for the wear. When I put up my wallpaper (with the help and advice from my lovely dad) I used an adhesive called Metylan Wallpaper Paste and it worked like a dream! Just be sure you take extra care to insure that your pattern lines up properly, then you're golden.

I also only did the one feature wall in my bedroom to act as kind of a focal point for the headboard of my bed. I am really pleased with how it turned out, and I definitely think that less is more when it comes to bright bold prints (ie: one focal wall is better than an entire room devoted to that print.) I made sure to keep my bedding and curtains neutral and am really happy with the overall look!

Here are some more cute wallpapers from the 1960's & 70's that are still currently available that I think would make a great addition to your vintage homes, should you be so daring to try:
(click the numbers at the bottom to go to the shops)

Shop here:
1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  11.  12.

It really does make a space more cozy and inviting! I absolutely love spending time in here.
Happy wallpapering friends! 
XO, Stef

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