Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Travel bug.

Photo found here, we added the text.

We know it's Summer and the last thing that we should be thinking about is getting away to a warmer destination, but once you've travelled, it's hard not to think about it all of the time. Lucky for us we just booked another trip back to Asia for October! I know some of you will be rolling your eyes at the fact that we're going back...again. We do realize how incredibly lucky we are to get to go somewhere as incredible as Thailand twice a year for work (and a bit of a holiday) but as fun as those trips are, they are still extremely hard work, and we do make a few sacrifices, mostly financially in order to be able to go. We just figure that now is the time to do this, we are still young, we are married so sometimes our husbands can come along for the ride, and most importantly we don't have any kids yet. We know that things will change in the next few years, so for now we are not feeling guilty one bit! We work our butts off year round in order to be able to go, so we're going to enjoy every. possible. second.
Since being out of high school, travel has always been one of our very top priorities - to get out there and see the world and meet new people and experience new things. There is nothing quite like sticking your toes in the ocean for the first time, or whizzing past an old village on the back of a motorbike and smelling the hot chillies in the air; or eating a bowl of something spicy and mysterious while sitting on a tiny red plastic chair made for a child. We leave in just over 10 weeks and we can hardly wait!
Have you guys been anywhere amazing lately? We would love to hear about your favorite place you've been!
One of my favorite things about getting away is to find the nearest hammock and a good book, and swing the day away. This photo looks pretty ideal! Original source - Style Files.

I have wanted to go to Italy since I was in high school and one of these years I'm going to make it there!
Until then, I'll just drool over beautiful photos like this one. Original source here.

How pretty are the buildings in Greece?

A swing over the ocean? Yes please! (original source unknown)

Bondi Beach! (I've actually been here and it's as incredible as it looks in the photo!)
Photo via Style Me Pretty. Photo by The Loved Ones

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