Thursday, July 18, 2013

Lonely Planet: Indonesia - Sulawesi (Chapter)

Unique cultures have evolved on Sulawesi, cut off from the world by impenetrable mountains, jungles thick with wildlife, and fringing coral reefs. Enjoy the Minahasans spicy cuisine, see the Tana Toraja’s elaborate funeral ceremonies, or just revel in the landscape.

Coverage includes: South Sulawesi, Makassar& around, Pantai Bira, Pulau Lihukan & Pulau Betang, Pulau Selayar, Taka Bone Rate, Watampone, Sengkang, Pare Pare, Tana Toraja & around, Rantepao & around, Makale & around, West Sulawesi, Mamasa Valley, Central Sulawesi, Pendolo, Tentena, Poso & around, Lore Lindu National Park, Palu, Donggala & Tanjung Karang, Luwuk, Ampana, Togean Islands, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Manado, Pulau Bunaken, Tomohon & around, Bitung, Pulau Lembeh &
the Lembeh Strait, Tangkoko-Batuangas Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, Southeast Sulawesi, Kolaka, Kendari, Raha, Bau Bau, Tukangbesi Islands.

Lonely Planet PDF eBooks are PDF versions. They are available from the Lonely Planet Shop as either individual chapters or complete guides. PDF files can be printed and are viewable on eReaders, tablets, smart-phones and PCs.

Indonesia - Sulawesi (Chapter)

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