Thursday, July 25, 2013

My trip to the mountains.

This past weekend my husband and I were lucky enough to drive out West with my parents to Canmore, Alberta. We went out there for my cousin's wedding and almost my entire Reimer family trickled in on Friday and the rest came on Saturday. It was so amazing to be together with my whole family in such a magnificent setting. I hadn't been to the Canadian Rockies in 10 years and I had forgotten how breathtaking they are! I might be going back in October for another wedding on Derek's side of the family and I can hardly wait!
The 15 hour drive out went by pretty quickly, and I couldn't help but snap a couple of photos of old (or funny) motels along the way.

Stopping in small towns for greasy breakfasts is always a highlight. How fun is this table top?

Pretty sunrise on the Canadian Rockies. We made it!

A couple of bottles of wine (and fireball) were consumed on this trip, and this was one of my favorites! I'm such a sucker for cute labels.

This was the view from our balcony...not too shabby hey? On the right you can see two of the three sister mountains.

My sister, the wanderer. I took this on a hike one beautiful morning. There's nothing quite like the smell of fresh mountain air!

My parents were incredibly generous with us kids on the trip so we whipped up a bbq feast in our hotel to say thanks. The hotel we stayed at was picture perfect and had a porch with a bbq as well as a full kitchen in our suite. 

Before we knew it, it was time for the wedding! Meet my cousin Maiya papaya- she is the cutest and sassiest 4 year old on the block and I love this girl to bits. My sister made her floral crown upon request after our hike where we picked all of the flowers.
*Photo by my cousin Ziggy*

They did it! Congratulations Bill & Meagan!

We ate, we drank and we danced.

After 3 hours of sleep the night after the wedding, my dad and Derek and I hopped back in the car and started the long journey through the prairies home. No road trip is complete without a stop at Syl's Drive In, in Carman, MB. 
All in all, a little mountain fresh air was just what I needed. It was such an amazing trip spent with my crazy family and I'm so lucky that I could sneak away from work for it.

xo, Erin

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