Thursday, April 26, 2012

Last chance!

Hey guys! We still have some May sponsor spots up for grabs, so if sponsorship is something that you are interested in, please check out our variety of different ad options and prices in the chart below! The ads range from small - XL so we're pretty sure that you will be able to find the perfect sponsor spot that fits your blog/shop's needs! 

We are also so thrilled to announce that our stats have been growing very rapidly over the past couple of months! Yay! So we just want to take a second to say a big thank you to all of our amazing readers! You guys are seriously the best.

Oh So Lovely's Current Stats: (as of April 26th, 2012)
- 1,541 Google followers
- 1,477 Bloglovin' followers
- 1,692 Twitter followers
- 1,739 Facebook followers
- almost 70,000 page views last month!

Please contact us at if this is something that you are interested in!
Happy Thursday, lovelies!

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