Monday, April 23, 2012

A few nights in Bangkok.

Ok, where to begin? Well for starters, we are going to be breaking our 3 week trip into multiple posts so that you aren't overwhelmed with photos and stories! 
We're going to start by saying that Bangkok is one CRAZY city. No matter what time of day you arrive, the second you get out of the airport, you are greeted with a wall of humidity and heat, as well as smells and sounds that you probably hadn't experienced before!

The three of us arrived around 9pm Bangkok time after a full 24 hours of travelling from Winnipeg, to Vancouver to Hong Kong and then finally to Bangkok! We quickly hopped in a taxi to go to our hotel where Derek was waiting for us, cold Chang beers in hand (Derek had been there for a week already because he went to the F1 race in Kuala Lumpur)!
We freshened up, got changed and then headed out into the crazy streets of Bangkok to start shopping! We didn't allow ourselves to feel tired or jet-lagged because we simply didn't have time for it! The two of us girls went off into the night and began picking out pretty new things for our store!

The next day we relaxed in the morning by the pool, ate breakfast and then continued our shopping! We spent the majority of the day at Siam Square-one of our favorite places in Bangkok to shop because it's a mix of new and old!

One of the best parts of this trip was the fact that we got to take our husbands along with us! It was so much fun to have them by our sides on the trip, and we had four extra hands to help us carry as we shopped! 

Derek & I in front of MBK mall, one of the bigger shopping complexes in the city!

The main reason we went back to Thailand so soon after being there in October was to shop! 
They have amazing vintage clothes and we made some wonderful contacts, so this time around we looked into different shipping companies and managed to send back hundreds of incredible pieces for our shops!
We made sure to set aside a day or two to shop for ourselves so that when we got back to Winnipeg we wouldn't want to keep absolutely every piece that we had bought for the store! We are super excited on all of the things that we picked out and can't wait to fill our trailer, Olive as well as our shop with polka dots, pretty florals and lots and lots of color! If you're in Winnipeg or close by, make sure you come and visit soon because we've put out a bunch of new stuff and it's going fast!

After shopping till we dropped, we went back to our hotel (Dang Derm Hotel on Khoa San Road) where we stayed at last time too, mostly for it's convenient location, as well as the gorgeous rooftop pool!

While in Bangkok, we hit up the Chatuchak Weekend Market- twice! It is one of the biggest markets in South East Asia, and if you've been you know how completely chaotic it is! The key is to get there early, with a whole lot of patience and a pocket (or two) full of money! There is a whole section in the 35 acre market that is just for vintage clothing, shoes and bags and it is extremely overwhelming and amazing! If you ever go to Bangkok, it is a MUST visit, unfortunately it's only open on the weekends! 
The photo above is of  Thai popsicles! Small, cheap and super refreshing!

Popsicle break!

We ate a lot of really incredible food on the trip, but one of our favorites was Roti-a pancake (basically a crepe) filled with nutella and banana!

Another one of our favorite things to do after a day of shopping was to go and get foot massages (out on the street) and one night we had to move indoors because of the rain, and when we got back outside after our hour long massages, the streets looked like this... 
We went wading through the streets, and then sat at a restaurant on the side of the street and had some drinks while we watched people dance through the water! It turned into one of the most fun nights of the trip!

Stef and Emery taking a much needed water break our our busy shopping day! Did we say how insanely hot it was?

That's all for Bangkok for now, next we're off to Koh Phangan! 
One last lemon shake for the road...

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