Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We're baaaaack!

A big hello to you lovely readers! We've missed you guys! We are so excited to be back and fill you guys in on all of our trip details and share our many many photos of our adventures with you! We seriously had the greatest vacation ever. Our time was spent eating delicious food, drinking tropical cocktails, exploring new cities, relaxing on the beach, reading many books, and of course, shopping like crazy! We sourced out some fantastic vintage markets and bought so many amazing spring/summer pieces for our shop! We can't wait to show you guys all of the gems we picked up!

Today is our first day back to work and we are spending it re-doing all of the displays and tagging a bunch of new stock so that we have a fresh start for spring! We are actually really excited to be back to work at our shop and are feeling really rested and inspired! It's great to get away but it's even better coming home to something you really love doing.

Anyways, we have a huge to-do list to tackle today, so we better get going, but stay tuned in the next week for more in depth trip updates! Yay!

Lots of love,
Stefanie & Erin

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