Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Brie & Fig Crostini Recipe.

Since every one is coming out of  their winter hibernation and  patio season is upon us (or as I like to call it -  entertaining season!) we thought we would share a recipe for a delicious and simple springtime appetizer! As most of you know, I have a huge weakness for cheese, especially brie, so last weekend when I baked this yummy appetizer for my friends I immediately fell in love and knew that I had to share it with you! So read on fellow cheese lovers, I promise you won't be disappointed...

All you need for this simple appetizer is a fresh loaf of french baguette, a small wheel of brie cheese cut into half inch x 1 inch pieces, about 2 tablespoons of  liquid honey, a half teaspoon of rosemary, and figs cut into thirds. (I used dried figs because there weren't any fresh ones in season at my local supermarket, but if you can find fresh ones, even better!)

First off, set your oven to broil at 375 degrees F and then cut the baguette into thin slices (about half an inch or 1cm thick) and give them a light brushing of olive oil. Place the bread slices onto a baking sheet and put them in the oven and let them broil for about 3-4 minutes just until they are warmed and very slightly browned.

Next, take them out of the oven and place a piece of brie and a fig on top of each piece of bread.  Then mix the rosemary with the honey and drizzle a light coating over top of each crostini. Place them back into the oven for about another 3 minutes or until the cheese is melting and starting to brown slightly. 

Remove from the oven and let them sit for a minute, then serve on your favorite vintage dishes with a chilled glass of white wine and enjoy!

Happy cooking & entertaining! XO, Stef

recipe inspiration taken from here.

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