Friday, September 28, 2012

Lovely things.

It's time for another round of things we have been loving lately:

1. Cute outline tattoos like this sailboat one and this she & him one. 
We have both been itching to get a bit of new ink...

2. This DIY for leather heart patches on leggings. We need to try this!
(Here's a little fun fact for ya, this lovely lady is another fellow Winnipegger! How cool is that?! Be sure to also check out her cute blog.)

3. Bang trims. We are drooling over these thick blunt cuts! We are definitely digging these looks this season. (and starting to get that itch to chop our hair again...eee! maybe before our trip?)
photo one//photo two

4. This beautiful book is at the top of our must-read list!

5. And finally this incredible photo of Tokyo and the fact that we are going to be there in only 18 days!!! Eep! So soon! Photo by Kristoffer Hakansson of Genzo Photography.

Happy weekend lovelies! XO

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