Monday, September 17, 2012

Life lately.

Hey gang! Wow we can't believe that yet another week has flown by! 
Our dear friend Brittany Hildebrandt rolled into town a few weeks ago, and although we didn't get to do an actual shoot with her, she did sneak a couple of photos of us and the shop and this is one that we forgot about!

Tomorrow we start our renovations of the tiniest room in our shop-an old safe from when the store was a pharmacy way back in the day! It is the mini room that will be our vintage kids' section! We have lots to do, but are lucky to have the help of our sweet husbands. 

In other news, yesterday we did our photoshoot at Stef's place, to promote the upcoming vintage kids section at the shop! It was a little hectic at times, but overall was super fun and we can't wait to get the photos developed!  We will be doing a more in-depth post from the shoot in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! A big thanks goes out to Megan for taking photos; Rollin, Olive, Beatrice & Rusty as well as their parents for the use of their adorable tiny tots, and for their help! Here's a very tiny sneak peek at the shoot...
Seriously, how cute are they?!
Have a happy Monday! What have you cats been up to this past week?
Erin & Stef

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