Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Brooklyn Fleamarket
Smith & Butler, Brooklyn
The Diner, Williamsburg
My Dream Ride
Facade's on Bedford, Williamsburg
View from Williamsburg on Manhattan

The last day of my trip, I spent in the streets of Brooklyn & Williamsburg. Did some vintage shopping at the Brooklyn Flea, wish I could ship a container, too much great goodies. After the flea market it was time to pay a visit to the shops for example Smith & Butler on Smith, but also Brooklyn Circus and Steven Alan and others, but that's for tomorrows post. Had a beer @ Diner at Broadway, maybe the outside does't look that interesting the inside is more then that. Close by Diner you can find Hickoree's on the second floor of 6th str. but also that's for later. I strolled over Bedford with all the great facades and hip & trendy people. It was very relaxed to spent a day at the other side of the bridge. 

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