Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pretty walls.

People often get intimidated at the thought of adding retro wallpaper to their homes because they are scared that the bold print and colors will overwhelm the space, but when thinking of wallpaper sometimes it's better to think small scale. Try just wallpapering one wall or maybe even the back panel of an old hutch, so you just get a little pop of color! (We were actually thinking it would be cute to add a panel of wallpaper to the back of our DIY hutch!) Another cute idea would be to get some old picture frames and frame some retro wallpaper swatches. By doing that you can get the best of both worlds: hanging cute wallpaper on your walls that is easily changed as you please!

Here are a few prints we found on Etsy that we are absolutely loving:

Shop here:
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What about you, which one would you like to add to your home?

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