Friday, September 21, 2012

Things we are a lovin'!

It's Friday already?! Holy moly time flies! 
Here is another round of pretty things for you lovely readers:
Super cute print!

Amazing polka dots and colors from 'Twenty-Seven Names'! That dress in the middle is perfection!
Photo found on DayDream Lily's blog!

This is the perfect little polaroid camera! On to our Christmas wishlists it goes!

We're drooling over Orla Kiely's Spring 2013 collection. You can check out more fabulous pieces here.

This cat is UNREAL. Well actually it is real, and its' name is Snoopy and she's an exotic short haired kitty that we are a tad obsessed with. We're trying to think of a master plan to bring a cat kitten home with us from Thailand...

Happy weekend!

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