Sunday, February 10, 2013

Interior inspiration: Pops of color.

The beauty of decorating with lots of mid century acessories, such as Kaj Franck bowls and Cathrine Holm dishes, is that there is never a shortage of color. As I'm sure you all know by now, we are both majorly attracted to bold pops of color when it comes to decorating our homes, in fact, we usually mix bold colors with even more bold colors. (Haha like I said, we aren't color shy!) But when we stumbled upon this beautiful kitchen/storage space we really liked how well all of the pieces stood out against the clean white walls. There is lots of personality in this room and the pieces are all so beautifully showcased against such a neutral canvas. This room is very simple and very pretty.

P.S. Is anyone else totally jealous of their amazing enamelware collection? I know I sure am.

all images found here.

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