Friday, February 22, 2013

So lovely.

It's the weekend already?! Whoa. Time for our weekly dose of inspiration:

I have a bit of a soft spot for Jamie Oliver and his line of adorably packaged condiments is totally killin' it. I need all of these in my kitchen cupboards ASAP.

These trees are sort of Tim Burton meets 1950's suburbia vibe and we like it.

Love this simple heart outline tattoo.  Hmm... this reminds us that we've gotta keep brainstorming new tattoo ideas for the spring...

If you need a little bit of foodie inspiration for the weekend then take a peek at this lovely dinner party. It has the perfect mix of wine, delicious food, friends and good conversation.

A scalloped cabinet? Are you kidding me? This is too much. So good.

Check out this unbelievable photo. We can't decide which part of this picture we like best: her adorable haircut, cute dress, or amazing orange vespa? Gah.

Happy weekend pretty friends! Have fun! XO

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