Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lovey-dovey mood.

Seeing as how Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we thought it would be fun to share some cute Valentines-y things such as recipes and DIY's that we found on the lovely internet. Also all of the photos just happen to be red and pink so that should help to get ya get into the lovey-dovey spirit! 
This heart shaped waffle & grilled proscuitto with boozy maple syrup would make the perfect Valentine's brunch. (recipe found via Design Love Fest)

Not in a cocktail mood this Valentine's Day? Well try this recipe for homemade ginger ale. Plus, it's super cute and pink.

Pretty sure we need to get this cute heart punch asap! (Also, be sure to check out these adorable DIY valentines too!)
Both dresses are perfect date night options. (left // right)

Why have a boring old coffee cup when you can have a super cute gingham one?
This DIY will show you how.


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