Monday, February 25, 2013

Our cozy outfits for work.

With our temperatures rising and then dropping quickly, we've been having a hard time deciding what to wear! So lately we've been layering sweaters over most of our dresses, as well as toques, knee-highs and boots. Are you guys as ready for Spring as we are? We are officially over Winter.
Erin's outfit details:
Knit toque: Target
Brown sweater: Forever 21
Polka dot dress: Market in Bangkok
Brown tights: Target
Slate grey knee high socks: Market in Tokyo
Roper boots: Thrifted
Acorn necklace: Market in Bangkok (available in our shop Rhymes With Orange)

Stef's outfit details:
Navy sweater: Forever 21
Red polka dot peter pan collar dress: Forever 21
Knit toque: Thrifted
Navy knee-high socks: Market in Tokyo
Roper boots: Vintage from Etsy

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