Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Faves.

I'm back from New Orleans just in time for our weekly round-up of lovely things!
This Danish modern credenza is more of a piece of art than a piece of furniture!
(This was for sale on Chicago's Craigslist but unfortunately has since sold.)

The cutest pop bottles we ever did see!

I'm not sure which I like better; the raindrop print or the peter pan collar?
This blouse is too perfect for words.

"Head in the clouds" print.

We wish we could add these adorable turquoise fish glasses to our collections!

This is probably the most interesting pair of tights ever!

And last, but certainly not least, I want to take a second to wish my mister a happy birthday because it's his birthday today! Yay! Tonight we are having a backyard party with some friends to celebrate, so I better run because I have a house to clean and food to prep! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 
XO, Stef

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