Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Interested in sponsoring?

Hello friends! It's that time again... Where on earth has summer gone?! We can't believe that September is just around the corner! Eep! Since our stats have been growing steadily over the summer we decided to adjust our rates accordingly for fall. If you are interested in September sponsorship be sure to take a peek at our current stats and our updated fall ad rates below:

Here is a closer look at the breakdown of our stats as of  August 21, 2012:
-2,021 Bloglovin' followers
-2, 486 Facebook followers
-2,354 Twitter followers
-1,919 Google followers
-4,046 Pinterest followers
We also received almost 80,000 page views in June! Woo! Thanks so much guys!

*Please note that the X-Large ad is sold out for September, October, and November already. December is still available though.*

For more information be sure to visit our Sponsorship Information page! We are also offering bulk packages at 20% off if you wish to purchase 3 months at once! If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us at ohsolovelies(at)gmail(dot)com.

We have a lot of exciting blog posts planned for fall and we are also going on another buying trip to Tokyo and Bangkok so there will be lots of interesting things happening here on Oh So Lovely Vintage! A great time to advertise your blog/shop!

We look forward to working with you lovelies!
XO, Stef & Erin

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