Friday, August 17, 2012

Medicine For The People

The wall has been seeing some traffic lately, which can only help it settle and clean up.  I have put in a lot of long hours bolting new routes and the hard work has paid off.  Jah Wall now has four solid lines ranging from 5.10a to 5.12??  The most popular and subsequently the most traveled has been Medicine for the People.  It takes a sweet line straight up a seventy foot face.  It has definitely become my favorite line here. 
I also bolted the stunning arete feature and its turning out to be a real show stopper.  The route starts on easy face climbing with a real sweet move to a huge pocket.  You climb into an alcove at the base of a small roof.  The perfectly cut arete sits above and pulling out and over the roof is turning out to be a struggle.  Several holds have fractured and fallen off which is very weird considering the rest of the arete is solid.  I'm left with a stout boulder problem that I have yet to unwravel.

The other route I haven't even tried yet because I have been so busy bolting other lines.
The last line I bolted is a great 5.10b/c with a really neat boulder problem at the beginnig of the route on solid rock.  After pulling a powerful sequence on crimpers and a cool pocket/jug you start a featured 5.9 face climb that has pinches and deep incut sidepulls.  Its a great addition if I do say so myself. 

I have so many routes to choose from now and real projects to grapple with. This is so much more than I had ever hoped for and all I can do now is sit back and prey for good weather which has been rare all summer.  Hope all is well with everyone reading!

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