Monday, August 27, 2012

Our trip to New Orleans aka "The Big Easy."

As you know, Emery and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary back in June, but we just had way too much going on with the shop, weddings, and other events to find the time to properly celebrate, so we decided to take a little mid-August getaway in honor of that and of Emery's birthday! We had originally just planned to go to Minneapolis but we found some last minute cheap flights to New Orleans that we just couldn't pass up! So off we went.. 

First up, we drove down to Minnesota and along the way we decided to check out a local vineyard and do a little wine tasting tour! Neither of us had ever been to a vineyard before but that was something we had both always wanted to experience, so we were very excited about this opportunity!
We had a lot of fun learning about and sampling the different types of wine and walking through the beautiful fields full of rows of trees bursting with grapes ready to be picked! There was also a wood fire pizza restaurant on the property that had a patio overlooking the entire vineyard, which was where we enjoyed a lovely dinner. The food was absolutely phenomenal and so was the view! 

After we finished up our dinner we headed over to Wisconsin to catch a show...
One of Emery's all-time favorite bands is Band of Horses and he has always wanted to see them perform live so for his birthday I surprised him with tickets to their show in Somerset, Wisconsin! He was beyond psyched and I was so happy that my plan worked out! The show was outside and it was the most beautiful summer evening so it was really the perfect venue to get to see them perform. They were absolutely unreal.

Early next morning we hopped on a plane and headed south to Louisiana...
We were only in New Orleans for a few days but we made the most of our time and jam-packed our days full of activities! As soon as we arrived we took a Cajun cooking class, which is something that we had never done before but had always wanted to experience. I'm so glad we did because we had a total blast! It was great to learn more about the history behind the food and learn a little bit more about the city we were visiting! We tried to check out as many bars, lounges, and restaurants as possible while we were there so we made it a habit of going to at least 3 or 4 different places each night! We had to make the best of our short stay!

We ate sea food, listened to jazz, sat on patios, and enjoyed the balmy humid weather! I love all of the lush greenery and tropical plants everywhere... you just don't see that in Winnipeg. As much as I love our home, it was really nice to get out of town for a bit and experience life in a different city.

Before we knew it our whirlwind trip was coming to a close. Until next time New Orleans...

XO, Stef

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