Monday, August 20, 2012

Mr & Mrs Thiessen - Our Wedding

To be honest, I feel as if I've been putting off sorting through my wedding photos for as long as possible. It was hands down the best day of my life, but looking through my photos brings back a few bitter sweet memories. Shoot, my keyboard is instantly wet with tears as I type do I begin?

My Auntie Marj played a huge part in the weeks leading up to my wedding, she didn't really do a whole lot as far as wedding prep goes, but she was (next to our immediate families) mine and Derek's biggest fan, cheering us on along the way, letting me rip fabric as I sat by the pool, and she let me vent when things weren't going quite as planned. Not only that, but she was an amazing photographer and caught some of my favorite moments of the day! You may wonder why I'm sitting here crying as I write this, but a few months after my wedding she was killed in a car accident. My wedding was the last major event of my whole Reimer family complete with Auntie Marj, but I'm so so glad that it was the best day I ever had...what a good parting memory! The day before she passed away she sent me a photo of a deflated red heart balloon that was blown onto her walking path near my parents' place after the wedding, and she emailed me to tell me that she was so glad she got to be a part of my best day and that she loved me. I grew very close to her because of my wedding and I'm so lucky to have called her my aunt! 

Ok, ok, moving on... I don't want this to be a downer post, because it truly is the opposite!
After 5 years together, I finally got to marry the man of my dreams! We got married on a hot Summers' day on my parents' yard in the country on August 21, 2 years ago tomorrow and it truly was the most magical day. Derek you have been my rock over the past 7 years, I love you to the moon and I can't wait to see what our future has in store for us!

 On that note it's time to share what our day looked like...
Seeing the tent for the first time on the wedding day!

I had such an enjoyable time getting ready with my bridesmaids and I love this tangle of arms primping before the wedding started. My friend Jill, of Tony Chestnut created the bridesmaids' dresses on short notice and I couldn't have been happier with them!
With a lot of help of my wedding party, family and friends, I did a lot of my own decorations and the colors I chose were orange-y red, a light orange and pops of light aqua. Our families were absolutely incredible in the weeks leading up to, and especially on the day before our wedding. They ripped, glued, tied, drew, cut, strung & hung everything my little heart desired and I would still be decorating if it weren't for their amazing help!
My dad built this for us upon my request!
We made this photo backdrop with two sheets of plywood, painted it with chalkboard paint and then my talented sister drew on this amazing house a few moments before the wedding started!

We walked down the aisle to this song:
Zebra by Beach House on Grooveshark
My adorable cousins Kaleb & Maiya were our ring bearer and flower girl! So much cuteness!

I was so incredibly honored to have my grandma marry us, to this day it's one of my very favorite parts of our wedding!
Derek stole the hearts of everyone at the ceremony with his knuckle-biting to hold back tears (which didn't work)!
So apparently my mother did not think there was enough confetti down my dress and in my hair, so she planned this...
She hired a local crop duster to dump out bags of confetti as we walked down the aisle as a married couple, but it was a little delayed and came while family and friends were hugging us and wishing us well! I was completely surprised, and was cleaning confetti out of our car for weeks because we had left the windows open and the plane crossed it's path apparently!
My amazing mother-in-law and me with confetti hair and bra!

How cute is he?
Maiya inspecting the photo prop-a plastic sheep.

Before we knew it, it was time for the red heart-shaped balloon release! 

Up, up and away!
Of course my 1970 Motobecane had to make an appearance!
Like I said earlier, I ripped a lot of fabric for the alter that my dad built me, and then I braided even more for the head table!

Derek and I love mexican food, so of course we opted for a taco bar for our wedding feast!

Speeches during the reception were short and sweet but filled with emotion!

We danced to our song: 
For What It's Worth by The Cardigans on Grooveshark
That's my auntie Marj to the left of my mom, and this is one of my favorite photos from the day!

My dad & I danced to "Strawberry Wine" by Deana Carter-it's always been our song, and we sang along to all the words, as my little cousins blew bubbles around us!

My mom & Derek-two of my very favorite people.

And then we partied the night away, bare-feet and all...
That was and always will be, the most epic dance party of life.
Happy second anniversary to the love of my life. 
xo, Erin

As far as the photos go, on top of our actual wedding photographers Nils & Kyle, we were lucky to have a handful of super talented photographers including my sister Megan, Brittany Hildebrandt, Janessa Brunet and my auntie Marj. 

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