Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Caprese quinoa salad.

Like what seems to be the whole rest of the world, I've been eating a whole lot of quinoa lately. I was getting a little tired of  my go-to recipes, so I decided to create a new one! I threw some of my favorite ingredients and flavours together in one bowl to create my spin on a caprese quinoa salad!  I know caprese usually has mozzarella, but the feta cheese seemed to work a little better for this one.
What you'll need:
1 Cup of quinoa
1 red pepper roasted
1 Cup of cherry tomatoes 
1/2 C Feta cheese
1/3 C Fresh basil
2 big handfuls of fresh spinach
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive oil
First get your quinoa cooking, and while it's on the stove put cherry tomatoes on a baking sheet lined in tinfoil. Sprinkle with S&P and bake at 375 degrees for 5-10 min until nice and roasted. Next roast your red pepper by broiling in for a couple of minutes brushed in oil. Once skin is blackened, put in a bowl of cold water and let cool off. Then simply remove the peel. Chop the roasted red peppers into bite sized pieces. Now crumble up your feta cheese and chop up the fresh basil. Now all you have to do is combine everything in a nice big bowl, pour the balsamic vinegar and a tiny bit of olive oil and mix it all together! I like this served warm, but it's also really good cold!
xo, Erin

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