Monday, July 1, 2013

Red & white forever.

Well, it's July 1 and up here in Canada that means it's our beautiful country's birthday! 
What's exciting about this Canada Day is that we have the day off! After working in Osborne village for the long weekend street festival for so many years and then out with the trailer, it was time for a break. After almost 10 years of working every single July 1 (and often the day before or after) the time has come to take a breather from the crazy street festival. Don't worry though, we'll be back, we just needed a little break. A tiny part of me is a teensy bit sad because I've made some pretty incredible memories in the past 9 years! I'll miss the dance parties in the street, hotdogs for lunch, bubble tea deliveries, the heatwave that melts through shoes, party cups, run-in's with long lost friends, and seeing ex-boyfriends running down the street dressed as Captain Canada wearing our flag as a cape. To all of our fellow Canadians, we hope you have a fun and safe day partying in the streets, or a relaxing day at the lake or wherever you may be. Now, we're off to wander the streets in the scorching heat, fill our bellies with cotton candy and spend time with friends over BBQ's and drinks! What are your long weekend plans?
Happy Canada Day lovelies!

Time for a trip down memory road...
The lovely Janessa

Sisters blowing bubbles, and getting grapes fed.

Zo-zo & KG

Taro bubble tea delivery!

Picture perfect Christie

xo, Erin

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