Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The big 3-0.

Today this little stinker, the man that I love with all of my heart turns 30! I can't even handle how ridiculously cute Derek is in this photo! It's crazy to think that I have loved him for most of his 20's and that I get to love him for all of his 30's. He truly is the most incredible man and I am so proud to be his wife. We have had adventures all over the world together, he has supported me through absolutely everything and is a huge reason why I get to do what I do, and I am so grateful to him. He is the most patient man I know, he is funny and loving and kind. He's the go-to tech-y guy in the family, but will do just about anything for friends or family when they need a hand. All around, he's just one of the best guys around. Fact.
Derek, if you're reading this, know that I love you to the moon and back and I'm so so glad that you were born! I can't wait to see what our thirties have in store! Now it's time to close my computer and go celebrate you!
Happy Birthday Rudy!
xo, Erin

Ps. Keep an eye out later today for a recipe for one of my new favorite quinoa salads.

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