Monday, July 15, 2013

The Winnipeg Folk Festival.

Well, it's Monday and that means I survived another year at the Winnipeg Folk Festival! We left early Wednesday morning and waited in line for a few hours to get into the campground to set up. There are 6000 campers at the festival, so it's always crazy getting in. We got our wristbands, set up our campsite, cracked open some cold beers and started wandering. If you haven't been to the festival before and live anywhere remotely close to Winnipeg, you really should come and experience it. It's the highlight of my Summer every year and this year was no exception. My favorite acts were The Cat Empire, Patrick Watson, The Avett Brothers, Rich Aucoin, Dr. Dog, Cold Specks, and the Milk Carton Kids, to name a few! They all completely blew me away! The weather was nearly perfect, camping was terrific, and so many memories were made! It was the 40th annual festival, and this year's line-up did not disappoint! Here's a peek at life at the folk fest.

Meet our crew for the week (from left):
Greg & his girlfriend Christina, Manelle, me, Derek, Donnie and Pascal! I had such an incredible time with these fine folks and can't wait to do it again next year!

This is one of the stages at the festival. There are daytime shows at the smaller stages like this that are spread out over the grounds, and then in the evening there are shows at the main stage.

We loved the giant games they had in the camp ground. We had a few epic games of biggie-sized jenga.

How cool is this giant version of guess who?!

Nothing like a little boozy watermelon juice to feel refreshed!

We had the most unreal weather for all 5 days! It was super hot and humid with rain only on day 3 which cooled everything and everyone off. It rained on our last night there for a bit, but then the skies cleared and there were even northen lights!

I did a lot of planning ahead this year as far as food goes and we managed to eat like kings and queens!

Best folk fest style goes to this little guy. Rusty, he's just the best.

We spent a lot of time in the beer tent in between shows, and bumped into lots of friends and caught up over ice cold drinks.

This was taken underneath one of those elementary school parachutes during Rich Aucoin's show. It was such a good show with one of the best dance parties of the festival!

The folk fest is exactly what Summer's in Manitoba are all about! I can hardly wait until next year!

xo, Erin

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