Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A New Development

I'm ready to bolt my first route! 

I can't really describe how excited I am to finally start bolting this really cool wall I've been climbing on for the last 8 months.  I have my friend Ivan Gruder to thank for financing this whole project.  So far we only have enough bolts for the first route, a stiff .10d that takes a nice line up the right side of the wall.  This will be my 'test run' before I start investing more money in bolts and drill bits.  There is potential for 8 more independent lines ranging from 5.8-5.11c/d.  Plus, there is this really cool overhang just to the right of this wall that looks very intriguing.  So much potential!  Stay tuned for more updates and pics of my first route!! 
Here is a pic of the route path with the big black blobs representing bolt placements. The original name I had for this line was modeled after the large piece of graffitit on the front that read 'SHIT BALLZ', but I just can't name my first route 'shit ballz'. I think I'm going to go with 'The Salmon Derby', named after an event they hold here in Sitka every year to see who can catch the biggest salmon in a day.

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