Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Setup

Well, here it is! I finally have a legit setup to train for climbing. As a lot of your know (yes I'm adressing all 4 of you) I've been posting a lot of videos on facebook from days past when climbing in exotic locations, having a plethora of boulders/routes to choose from, and kicking back with other motivated climbers was all taken for granted. I've reignited my spark for climbing. I've never had such a ravenous appetite for real rock. I've been pouring over my Squamish guidebook like a feind! Even though I have no real plans to go anywhere this summer I still find it motivating to obsess over boulder problems I haven't had a chance to do. I've been climbing three times in the last week at the local crag and have been scouring the back roads for small cliffs or faces that could be deemed worthy of cleaning and toproping. I'm psyched out of my mind right now to start training for our move to Bishop. I want to show up there in shape and ready to start projecting and SENDING boulders I could only dream of climbing in the past. I ordered the new guidebook just a few days ago and can't wait to start memorising it. My agenda is to start fingerboard training every 2-3 times a week and get out climbing at least 3-4 times a week. Mix in some running and hiking and I should hopefully get back to where I left off last summer. I'm PSYCHED! Good to hear everyone is still out crushing and excited about climbing and in good health. I wish everyone a good summer and keep those trip reports coming, they keep me sane. I'll try to get some pics of the bouldering around here. Its very spread out but it does exist.

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