Thursday, June 28, 2012

She's baaaaaack.

Look who's out of hibernation!
On Sunday we got our trailer pulled into the city from Blumenort where it spent the Winter at my in-laws! You could see her coming down the street, in all of her orange and white glory, from a mile away!

The first thing we did was take absolutely everything out of the trailer and deal with last years' mess. It seemed as though we got a little lazy after our last festival, and there was lots of random debris.

We gave her a really good wipe down seeing as how there was a solid layer of dust & dirt all over her!

We opened up all of the windows to air her out.

We cleaned out the little cubby, and made a list of everything we needed to bring/buy/fix.

Last but not least we loaded her back up after everything was spotless inside! 

We're getting ready to pull her  to our first event of the season-The Osborne Street Fest on June 30 & July 1! We'll be parked in front of Urban Waves from 11-11 both days! Come and visit if you're in the area!

Check out our Facebook page for more info on the festival.

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