Saturday, June 23, 2012

Call for July Sponsors & A Winner!

Hello fellow vintage enthusiasts! We would love to promote your blog/shop for the month of July! Our sponsor rates have stayed the same as the previous month, but in case you missed it last time, you can take a closer look at them here. The XL spot is reserved for July & August but is available again for September! July is going to be another pretty exciting month with our first event of the year with our trailer happening on the 1st!

We are super excited that our stats are continuing to grow at a steady pace! We just wanted to say a big thanks to all of our amazing readers! You guys are seriously the best!

Oh So Lovely Vintage's Current Stats: (As of June 23, 2012)

-1749 Google followers
-1805 Bloglovin' followers
-2048 Twitter followers
-2094 Facebook followers
-Almost 80,000 page views last month!

Please contact us at if this is something that you are interested in!
Erin & Stef

We also have a winner to announce!

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