Saturday, August 4, 2012

Time to get outta this town.

We are going...

Yesterday started out as a bad day. Stef and I got to work and were feeling a little down in the dumps. Naturally we got to talking about going back to Asia for business and we decided spur of the moment to book it! My brother Mike is now a travel agent over at Bonaventure Travel and was super helpful in getting us great flights, and we couldn't be more excited! 

We have both always wanted to go to Tokyo and have never had enough time to leave the Narita airport in past trips, so we planned a layover for a few days to explore!

Our plan right now is to spend a few days in Tokyo and then head back to Bangkok, and after that we will have a week to go wherever we please! This is the fun part, the planning and dreaming and scheming! This time around, we are going to pack as light as physically possible and take way more photos!

Have any of you been to Tokyo before? We are looking for suggestions for places to eat/sleep/shop/see and if you have any pointers, please leave us a comment below!

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