Saturday, December 29, 2012

I Wonder if Hell is Freezing Right Now?

I'm half delirious, one quarter sleepy, three dashes confused, 10% beer, 0.025mg of a %200 DV of psyched, and ready for bed at eight in the morning. 

The last two days have been nothing short of a post Christmas-crush-fest.  I just got off of work and I'm still re-living the last 72 hours.  No wait, 96 hours.  Ahhhgg,  time is irrelevant; especially when projecting (this statement may or may not be true). 
Christmas day was cold and snowy.  It was also covered in crisp white CRUSH!  Met up with the crew underneath Grandma B's big bosom.  First off, what a cool boulder.  SO many link ups, pure lines, highballs, etc. etc.  The X-mas day crushing began with Go-Granny-Ho which had been flying under the radar until now.  We drifted through snow drifts and I watched as Steven dispatched Brian's Project and then Jimmy followed suit (Jimmy had also done Center Direct earlier that day, BEAST!).  We moved on to a X-mas photo shoot which was nothing if not the most fabulous and awesomely haunting thing I will ever see.  Please check out Stevens blog for details into what it is I'm referring to.

We ended the day at the Croft boulder which was a good idea because the boulders namesake let us run a train on it.

The day after the day after X-mas the send light was flipped again and I managed to put down my semi-long term project Acid Wash (PSYCHED!).  The difference-maker turned out to be a foot hold that I had assumed woul dbe useless.  Typical. 

You know you've been trying a problem too long when you don't even bother to take off your jacket and sunglasses before an attempt.
This is actually a picture of me on an attempt the day before I sent.  I finally did the 'bump' move and after that epiphony struck my poor brain I knew it was on. 

On the very same day I also climbed Disco Diva which I was actually more psyched to send over Acid Wash.  No joke.  Disco Diva is one of my favorites now, and is definitely a super classsic.  I ended up having a 35 point day, which by no means is very impressive but it does reflect a lot of climbing on my part.  Some of the other climbs were repeats of climbs I had done before like The Hulk, Action Figure, and Monkey Hang, but also included a climb I had never done before, Heavenly Path, the best, seriously, the best. 
Here are some random pictures of a Pow Pow sesh we had amongst some fresh pow yesterday:

Steven on the first pull.

This guy came close, but just couldn't hold the crux snatch.

This guy stuck it, but decided to drop off.  DOH! 
It was a good sesh at the Sads, although a bit cold.  I managed a second go repeat of Pow Pow which was kind of shocking to me since I've always found Pow Pow quite difficult.  I think the sub zero temps helped on the 'never-ending' weeping holds. 

This is a cool pic of me on Black Magic the night before Christmas.  The left side of the canyon is now covered in snow :(  Picture credit belongs to Steven Dimmit. 

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