Friday, December 21, 2012

Party mode!

One of the main reasons that we love the holidays, is to spend time with family, and party with friends! Here are a few things and ideas that we're wanting to try out this season! What are you most looking forward to this holiday season?
Bring a present wrapped with a  wood veneer bow on top! 
(I have a soft spot for wood veneer-my wedding invitations were made of it!)

Try out a new appetizer! 
We are going to be making these Mediterranean stuffed mushrooms!

The reason (not like you need one) to show off a new frock!

Getting to stuff your face with delicious treats and not feeling guilty!
Aren't these stained-glass cookies adorable?
Testing out a new drink! 
This one's called 'A dirty girl scout' and tastes like thin mints! Yum!

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