Monday, December 24, 2012

The Black Magic of Christmas!

The temps have really taken a dive here in the last five days or so.  I feel myself beginning to get all creaky and sore in the morning like some sort of rusty furnace groaning into life.  The air is drier lately; the rain falls and is instantly evaporated by the dusty clime.  The magnificent coupling of huddled and looming mountains that watch over the small hamlet here are wearing their New Years virgin gowns, trying to pretend that this is NOT their first rodeo.  And strangely I find myself in the same predicament.  Clutching to a river of hardened brown ash I make the mistake of glancing towards the earth and find my bowels have receded even further into my esophagus.  No matter.  It's just a recognition of that fleeting moment in time and space where you meet your most vulnerable self and realize you have more in common with it than you thought.  Clarity is prescribed immediatley in a genetically crafted moment of bliss and 'holy-shit-balls-what-the-fuck!!ed-ness'.  Now is the time to pay close attention to your breath and realize the universe rewards movement, even if it is at the cost of time and money. 
Black Magic (V.3).  Felt like a mini solo.  It also felt amazing.  The first half consists of a balancey slab section on small crimpers, the other half is brilliant and juggy. 

Christmas eve, 2012.

Steven flashes Done With The South (V.5), another beautifully crafted masterpiece of the Happies.  An s-curve rail leads to a steep roof on bowling-ball pocket-pinches and finger jugs.  Plus, the top out is a little spicey.  Too bad the rock is crusty in some places, hopefully it cleans up.

It looks like I made the coveted VIP list for the Christmas Crush-fest at the Milks tomorrow, so I will be nothing but olbiged to make an appearance and flail, thrash, and thrutch my way up...something.  I've got a bottle of bubbly I've been saving for just the occasion so maybe we can 'pop bottles' on top of some monzonite monsters.  Although my numbers have dwindled as of late, an army of strongsters still remain and every day something amazing happens. 

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