Friday, December 21, 2012

The Men Who Stare At Rocks

Yes.  Indeed we are the men AND women who stare at rocks.  We are, some of us, derelicts, transients, hippies, gypsies, nomads, wanderers, rastafarians and trustafarians, liberals, conservatives, rednecks, broad necks, no-necks, long hairs, no hairs, poor, rich, environmentalists, capitalists, socialists, communists, nationalists, whatever-ists, and last but not least dog owners (well not me, but this guy I know). 
Byron gets balls deep on the Fly Boy Arete (V.5), one of the finest around, no joke.

Well, I finally sent something that's kind of hard, pretty cool looking, and very scary (at least by my standards). 

It all happened very quickly, and I'm not exactly sure what foot I used when, and where I had my hands when I went to the whatever hold comes next part.  I think I had my eyes closed the entire time. 

All I know is that it was a relief to stick the lip.  I'm not sure if I stuck it out of skill, strength, or sheer terror, but nonetheless it happened and I'm really quite psyched on this latest problem from the milks.  I've always wanted to do this problem and have walked by and looked at it way too many times to count.  Some people seem to think its soft for the grade.  All I have to say to them is: maybe you're just too strong, have you tried Eviltuion?  No not to the lip, to the top.  Maybe that would be more suitable for you.
Anyway, even though the send happened quickly I think this is pretty solid for the grade.  I was straining to stay on in several places, coupled with the sharpness and leg breaking landing, I think the grade stands.  But what do I know. 

Steven on the second hard crossover to the good sidepull.

This move is actually a lot harder than it looks on all those shitty youtube videos.  Thanks Youtube.

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