Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sponsor us in 2013!

It's that time again friends... We are looking for a new round of sponsors for January! We have lots of fun things in store for the new year, and would love for you to be a part of it! We had a big jump in our stats last month and received over 118,000 views with a high day of 12,000 views! Wow, thanks so much guys! 

Here is a closer breakdown of our stats as of  November 19th, 2012:
-2709 Bloglovin' followers
-3329 Facebook followers
-2925 Twitter followers
-2218 Google followers
-5,761 Pinterest followers

If you are interested in sponsoring OSLV next month be sure to check out our sponsorship page for more info or drop us an email at if you have any further questions! We also still have bulk 3 month packages still available if you are looking to sponsor for more than one month at a time!

We look forward to working with you!
XO, Stef & Erin

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