Monday, December 10, 2012

The Chupacabraj

The last few days have been filled with nail-biting excitement.  My good friend Kevin has been on an absolute tear lately.  I can remember the first time I climbed with Kevin was actually two years ago almost to the day.  Surprisingly we were on a road trip to Bishop.  Kevin has always been an easy going and funny dude who has shown an extreme amount of dedication to bouldering.  That trip I think he had only been climbing for something like a year or so, and although he did more falling and thrashing than sending he still proved himself to have an inordinate amount of potential for hard climbing. 
After that trip I didn't really get to climb with Kev very much but over the years I heard of double digit tales trickling through the digital grape vine that is facebook.  I was shocked that he had made such progress in so little time, but those rumors were made into a reality over the last two days here in Bishop as I witnessed Kevin send two of his projects, Aquatic Hitchhiker (V.10) and Acid Wash (V.10).  Not only did he send them, but he styled them confidently and quickly.  Hats off!! 

My beta for the first move is a huge drop knee that allows me to gain the jug statically, but Kev has to all out dyno for it.  It was cool to see him stick this move like 20 times in a row.

The definitive crux on Acid Wash.  Believe me, its hard and tenuous.

Anyway, I was so blown away by how focused he has been lately that I thought he deserved a post.  Its cool to see someone who has so much drive and attention to their goals that overcoming them doesn't seem like an impossible feat yet at the same time he remains down to earth, humble, and open minded.  Congratulations Kevin, looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

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