Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas lovelies!! We hope you all are having a fabulous day with your friends and families relaxing and eating delicious food! This is definitely one of our favorite times of year because everyone has the day off and we all get to spend the day together in our cozy decorated homes! All of the preparation leading up to Christmas can seem so hectic with all of the running around and present buying but it is important to sit back, relax, and enjoy the quality time with your loved ones.

(photo source)
Eat lots, laugh lots and give your loved ones and extra squeeze today!
We are sending our love from our homes to yours!
XO, Stefanie & Erin

P.S. For all of you local readers our shop will be open tomorrow for Boxing Day so come on down and say hello and check out our sale!

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