Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Group Therapy Session

The canyon was great today.  I met up with good friend Kevin 'mini-G' Erickson and his loyal and prestigious dog Nanook, plus two new friends were in tow-Steven and Greg.  We clicked immediately and you could see the looks on the surrounding climbers faces turn from polite discourse to pure hatred as we orbited central happiness laughing like hyena's at each other's jokes.
Kev gets a serious spot from Steven on his harrowing journey up Atari.

The show-and-tell after the near death experience.

I was coming off some serious rest days (3 to be exact, two of which I spent at the resort) so I felt good, or at least my skin did.  I managed repeat of some classics (Solarium, Serengeti) and then fired off a lonely sharp crimper problem called Crispin Waddy. 
Feeling good I suggested a roof climb called Therapy which I had scoped out a few days earlier and thought looked good.
We arrived and started giving attempts until the 'Good Beta Guy' reared his beautiful shining head and showed us the magic that is double toe hooks and really sweet pockets.  Shortly after the spray down, Kev sent, then I sent!  It was a great way to return to the boulders and a totally unexpected send.  Once you make the final pull out of the roof there is a sweet traversing seam of incuts and flat jugs that leads you over a pretty bad landing and then to the top.  Its an awesome way to end this climb. 

Steve on a hard dead point out of the Therapy roof.

YES!  Double toe hooks!!!!

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