Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pockets of Happiness

I just got a job working as a night crew manager at the local grocery store.  After I was done with all the rigmaroles of new employee paperwork and drug testing (thank god I stopped smoking crack, shooting heroine, and snorting blow) I made the leisurely drive to the Happy's for a quick bouldering sesh. 
I didn't really have any projects lined up or expectations to fulfill, I just wanted to get on some lines I hadn't done.  Since I was alone I chose to go the easy route and pick some problems that were side by side and required no one to spot me.  There is a great pocketed wall just down and right of the classic crimpy test piece Rene, that had four distinct 'up' lines on it ranging from V.3-V.5, so I went for it.  I managed to tick all four lines, two V.3's a V.4 and a V.5 in a half hour or so.  The V.5 is called the Sidepull Problem and it did not disappoint.  I think this might be my favorite V.5 in the canyon mainly because it's a steep power problem that involes both a small two finger pocket and a really cool crimp.  I was excited to send on my second attempt.

Both the crimp and pocket are featured in this photo. 

The crux move is a core intensive deadpoint to this deceptive jug/sloper.  The secret is hitting it as a sidepull.

This wall definitely packed a good punch and after ticking all four lines I felt pretty warmed up so I headed to a familiar wall, the Toxic Avenger/Mr. Happy wall.  There is a cool link up starting on Toxic Avenger that climbs into Mr. Happy which is reported to go at V.7.  Upon arrival I scoped the holds and made quick work of the link up, Mr. Happy (V.5) I had previously done via flash, and the link up took me two tries to send.  This was turning out to be a good afternoon of work.  I did hop on Toxic Avenger but only came as close as slapping the final hold.  I'm psyched to return! 

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