Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas in the Thiessen home.

It's beginning to feel a lot like...
Normally I wait until the last possible second to decorate for the holidays and do my Christmas shopping, but this year I'm happy to say I got organized early and put up my tree as well as the rest of my decorations and even started (and finished!) my shopping! I'm still not happy with where to put my aluminium tree, so until then, I'll leave you with photos of the rest of my Christmas-y displays!
I found this vintage silver wreath a few years ago and it has found a home the door to our home ever since.
This fireplace has gone through a much needed transformation in the past year, and I finally feel as if I have it the way that I want! It was originally black with soot, but I painted over it, as well as the grill and filled it with candles!

Happy December everyone!
xo Erin

*The candles are from Ikea, and the boy and girl are vintage. The print is by Alexander Girard for Urban Outfitters from a few years ago.*

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