Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy first birthday Rhymes With Orange!

It's hard to believe that only a year ago yesterday we opened the doors to our vintage boutique for the first time! I guess the old saying is true... time sure does fly when you're having fun! We feel truly blessed because our first year of owning and running our own business has gone so incredibly smoothly. That's not to say that we didn't have challenges along the way, but we always managed to overcome them and learn something from them. Running your own shop is a lot of work, but as long as you have a positive attitude and have fun everything seems a lot more manageable (and working with your best friend everyday helps too!)
We just want to take a second to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us out over the past year, especially to our very patient husbands who have supported us in quitting our day jobs to persue our dreams! We couldn't have done it without the unconditonal love and support of our family and friends. You guys are the best!
We thought it would be fun to share a few snapshots from around our shop from the past year...
Awh... we miss summer already!
(all above photos were taken by Simply Rosie.)
We always have so much fun changing up the displays and filling them with new batches of vintage treasures! One of our new years resolutions is to take more photos around the shop to share with you guys, so keep an eye out for more shop updates in the future!

We opened our vintage kiddos section a few months ago which has been a great addition to our shop! We had made it our goal to open this section up before the end of the year and we are so proud to say that we did it with a few months to spare!

This photo was taken a few weeks ago. Doesn't the front window look so pretty surrounded by fresh white snow?

We can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us!
XO, Stef & Erin

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